
Who am I?

Probably a combination of Entrepreneur and Tech Specialist, but most of all, I am a father to my two amazing kids, Elliot and Erin and husband to my wife Elaine.

I was raised in Bournemouth, and from an early age loved to play with electronics and computers.  My family wasn't very well off so if I wanted something I would have to save for it.  This is where my entrepreneurial side came from.  From an early age, I would be out and about knocking on doors offering to wash cars, doing paper rounds and car boot sales and I eventually would have enough money for my first computer - an Acorn Electron (remember these!) and would continue with my saving to upgrade further - spectrum, Sega Master System, Amiga 500, Amiga 1200 and eventually a PC.

At one point I built and maintained a Public Domain library for my Amiga 500 - called PBPD and advertised the library in specialist Amiga magazines. Everything was done by mail (not email, actual mail!). I would receive a letter asking for my list of software, I would post the list off and wait for a cheque and an order by mail. Then I would make the discs and post them back - a single order could take a month to complete!  No instant ordering via websites or by email which we are accustomed to now!

I got into programming when I experimented with Basic on the BBC Acorn Electron.  My first program was an Arsenal database on my Spectrum with synthesised speech and match commentary from a sound capture device I  acquired.  Who knew that 40 years later I would still be writing software and selling it to technicians and computer shops all over the world!

Right now, I have several computer repair shops in Dorset that specialise in Mac and PC repairs.  I run a software and web development company that creates software for technicians & repair shops around the globe and I work with many local businesses building their websites, getting their products online (especially during the Covid-19 pandemic) and support their IT and infrastructure.

When the COVID-19 pandemic caused businesses including my own to close down I started day trading and swing trading to add additional income sources which I have excelled at since.  I spend at least 4 hours a day training and trading and love my new "hobby/career" and have developed software to make trading much faster and easier (see the links in the footer!).

In my spare time, I love travelling and dabbling in Drone photography (Dorset is the best place on Earth for amazing scenery!), creating and editing videos for a few different YouTube channels where you can see my drone footage and family in action!

Paul Betteridge
Paul Betteridge